Why do people need to know God personally and experientially, not inferentially? Listen to Dr. Dan Martineau to find out.
Listen to this timely message from Dr. Dan Martineau to find out what happens when God exalts you, and why you must be humble before Him to qualify for being exalted.
God has promised in His word that He would provide for us. How do we qualify to receive His provision? Listen as Dr. Dan Martineau explains.
Through faith Sarah received the power to conceive Isaac. Learn from Dr. Dan Martineau how she received faith to conceive, and what this means to us today.
The world has a secular religion that tries to strip us of our faith. It is up to us to become so indoctrinated in the word of God, that the world cannot indoctrinate us in their own religion of doubt and deception. Listen to the sermon by Rev. Jim Willet to find out how.
When you see the conditions of America and Society, what should your response be? Find out from Rev. Jim Willett.
Do you have things you are hoping for? Have you been confessing things the Bible says you are supposed to? Jesus is under a Biblical obligation to take our proper confessions to the Father and act as an advocate on our behalf to get those petitions to come to pass. Isaiah 55:11 also says when we return God's words to Him in prayer and confession they will accomplish what He has already purposed for them to accomplish. Brother Green challenges us to make sure we are speaking positive confessions in our life.
What did Christ mean when He talked about a greater than Solomon? Listen to this message by Dr. Dan Martineau to find out.
Rev. Green teaches on the measure of faith, the creation of faith and more. Find out how God creates faith in you and how you can keep your faith active in this timely message.
Sometimes faith says we must do things that do not make sense to our natural minds. Learn why in this message from Dr. Dan Martineau.